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HOLY shift: Deep Dive workshopdag

za21sep11:00za17:00Sold out!HOLY shift: Deep Dive workshopdag11:00 - 17:00(GMT+02:00) Zuid LimburgCategoryMagic truffle ceremonyPart ofJaarserie


This day cannot be booked separately; it is part of the truffle journey through the seasons spent with a fixed group. Each season includes a truffle ceremony focusing on the corresponding element: Summer = fire, Autumn = earth, Winter = water, Spring = air. In between, we gather for a cacao ceremony, Deep Dive workshop days, and an integration day. Are you joining this unforgettable adventure to shift your life on all levels?

Read here meer over HOLY shift en meld je aan voor de waiting list van 2025.


Investment in yourself: € 1950,-. Payment in 3, 6, or 12 installments is possible (+ one-time €15,- processing fee).

To secure your spot for this annual series, a non-refundable deposit equivalent to the first installment of €150,- is required. This amount will be deducted from the total cost. Please note: this deposit confirms your place and indicates serious interest. Should you wish to participate but find it sold out, we'd gladly add you to the waiting list! Once a spot becomes available, we'll contact you. At that point, you can decide if you'd still like to join without any obligation. 


  • Jenneke van Genechten

    Jenneke van Genechten

    Opleider & ceremonieleider

    Wil je meer te weten komen over Jenneke? Klik here.


    Opleider & ceremonieleider

