Jenneke van Genechten
Here you can find Jenneke van Genechten's background so you know who you’ll end up with when you’ve booked something with HOLY shit.! You can always find the name of the facilitator of the ceremony you booked in the event calendar.
My name is Jenneke van Genechten (1988) and I am the founder of HOLY shit. Additionally, I train ceremonial leaders who work with plant medicines. In 2006, I graduated from Maastricht University, and with my psychology degree in hand, I discovered that the protocol-based approach, despite years of self-study and therapy at RIAGG, had not helped me overcome my eating disorder.
As a result, I decided to take an alternative path and discovered the magic of plant medicines such as Mother Aya and magic truffles, as well as a holistic lifestyle that made me much more aware of who I really was and wanted to be. This approach proved to be effective, and besides healing my eating disorder, I also healed many other old wounds.
I did a lot of inner child work and took training and courses to become a plant medicine guide, breath coach, and holistic therapist.
For fun, I love to dance (check out HOLY latin and occasionally walk the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela (I also guide groups; see the offerings page). I live in a small house near the castle park of Amstenrade in South Limburg, surrounded by greenery, with my partner Robert, daughter Pip, two cats Joris and Draak, and the occasional mouse. Additionally, I am a master at Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo and an avid fan of 'Wie is de Mol?'.
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I believe ...
... that everything is psychosomatic, that our souls choose to be on this earth NOW, that everything happens for a reason and that you can attract anything you want with your thoughts.