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Additional Terms and Conditions

On this page you can find the additional terms and conditions for various trajectories within HOLY shit. By paying a deposit you will agree to the general and additional terms and conditions.

HOLY Babydance

HOLY babydance

Ontdek de magie van dansen met je baby! Tijdens HOLY babydance draag je je kleintje in een draagzak of draagdoek, waardoor de connectie tussen ouder en kind centraal staat. Geniet van het wiegen op een fijne, volwassen beat (zonder kindermuziek!) terwijl jouw baby zich heerlijk ontspant, slaapt of lacht. Ook als je kindje even wil ontladen, is er alle ruimte om liefdevol aanwezig te zijn.

Click here om de aanvullende voorwaarden te bekijken. Meer informatie over HOLY babydance? Klik here!

Altaar ceremonieruimte

HOLY shift - truffeljaarreis door de seizoenen

This year-long journey is the ultimate journey for anyone who loves to get face to face with themselves on deep levels through magic truffles. For one year you will dive into the depths with the same group and each season we will come together to have a look at a different piece using the elements. A magical gift to yourself!
Only available in Dutch.

Click here to view the additional terms and conditions. More information about the trajectory? Click here!

Year-long truffle ceremony leader course

In the truffle ceremony leader course you will learn all aspects of guiding other's inner processes with and without the magic truffle. After this course you will be able to guide ceremonies in groups and you will know what it takes to fully carry a truffle ceremony as a ceremony leader.

Click here to view the additional terms and conditions. More information about the trajectory? Click here!

HOLY coaching VIP

1-on-1 VIP trajectory

Get turned inside out completely during six months with the most intensive program HOLY shit. has to offer, with no distractions from others. You and me, full focus on you and your (new) business.

Click here to view the additional terms and conditions. More information about the trajectory? Click here!

the community

The Community - Retraitefestival

Hey, spaceholder! Need some time for yourself, inner work, connection and peace? Welcome to The Community, an all-encompassing retreat festival in sunny and spiritual Portugal. It's finally time for YOU. This retreat is for and by facilitators. Wouldn’t it be nice if we body workers, coaches and ceremony leaders can ground into the safe bed of a group of experienced spaceholders ourselves?

Click here to view the additional terms and conditions. More information about the journey? Click here!


Need a deep connection with yourself and nature? Need silence and not having to do anything? Need endless walking through hundreds of kilometers of beautiful landscapes, mountain peaks and no man's land? I will take you from church village to church village on a spiritual walk through Spain along the popular pilgrim route to the holy place: Santiago de Compostela.

Click here to view the additional terms and conditions. More information about the journey? Click here!

