HOLY team
The pretty faces below are the core of our HOLY team. Now you know why after signing up for a truffle ceremony, it might be Margreet emailing you. And who to complain to about money (Robert). Through this page you will find the certified ceremony leaders and will be able to read more about their backgrounds.
Jenneke van Genechten
holistic (breath)therapist, trainer ceremony leaders, pilgrimage guide
HOLY: “Getting into a hot bath when you’re completely frozen (mmm...).”
Shit: “When the lighting in a restaurant isn’t good.”
Margreet Feijten
ceremonieleider, ademcoach,
intakes & registration
HOLY: “Dancing my heart out at a festival.”
Shit: “Vacuuming something, having to search the entire bag and then discovering it was a pebble.”
Pim Bemelen
ceremony leader
HOLY: “Singing along loudly to songs while driving.”
Shit: “A drooling dog when I just mopped.”
Floor Kruitz
ceremony leader
HOLY:"Showering after a festival."
Shit: "Drawing software crashing after you last saved your work an hour ago."
Marieke de Leeuw
ceremony leader
HOLY: “Zittend in een duinpannetje luisteren naar het ruisen en fluisteren van de bomen.”
Shit: “Als de hond op het strand door een vis rolt, daags nadat ik hem gewassen heb omdat hij door een vis was gerold.”
Jennifer Pereboom
ceremony leader
HOLY: “Een ‘vechtpartij’ met modder.”
Shit: “Een schoon wit shirt aantrekken en erop knoeien.”
Martina Lucic
HOLY: “Het gespin van mijn kat niet alleen horen maar ook voelen trillen door heel mijn lijf als ze tegen me aan zit.”
Shit: “Te veel in de aura van andere mensen zitten in het openbaar vervoer of een restaurant.”
Ivy van Iersel
design & social media
HOLY: “Being on the road with my camper, discovering new places.”
Shit: “When the dog has to pee at night and you’re all comfortable on the couch.”
Lars Boxelaar
website management
HOLY“Being on a theatrical stage.”
Shit: “Chaos on the back end of a website.”
Robert Tielman
Pilgrimage guide, administration
HOLY: “Waking up to discover that I have time to go back to sleep.”
Shit: “Sitting in the passenger seat.”
Milad Rahnama'i
"I did a truffle ceremony with HOLY shit. You can't control or influence what happens during a ceremony. You can, however, ensure a good, safe, and loving environment. And that was there! Very nice, excellent follow-up. Thanks, great team!"
Luke Kirkels
"It's not often that people are as passionate and dedicated to their work as this team! The guidance and care have been top-notch."
Mijn werk met hen heeft me op een nieuw pad van ontdekking gebracht.”
Jacqueline Boulos Mayer