Certified ceremony leaders
On this page you will find all certified by HOLY shit truffle ceremony leaders this means you can trust that these individuals provide a safe environment for inner work with magical truffles, and they possess theoretical, practical, and energetic expertise in their practice. They have successfully completed the Year Training Program for Truffle Ceremony Leaders. You can check the event calendar to see which ceremonies they are currently offering. Private ceremonies for your own group (or individual sessions) and specific dates can be requested by contacting info@holyshit.nl.

Werkzaam als truffelceremonieleider via HOLY shit.:
Afgestudeerd als truffelceremonieleider bij HOLY shit.:

Dennis Ulijn

Jennifer Pereboom

Marieke de Leeuw

Joyce Ploum

Inge van Es

Pim Bemelen
"In the training to become a Truffle Ceremony Leader, I not only learned how to guide others on their journey of personal growth but it was also a significant learning experience for my own development. It allowed me to address my negative belief that I always have to do everything on my own. Jenneke is non-judgmental and allows you to fully be yourself, which is incredibly valuable!"
Pim Bemelen
"I decided to take the training because the truffle brought me to places that years of therapy couldn't, and it has surpassed all expectations. Everything was meticulously planned, and I received so many valuable tools and guest workshops that I didn't even know I needed! I will miss it immensely and am so grateful for everything I have learned. I've gained a tribe for life and have experienced the greatest growth of my life this year."
Floor Kruitz
"This Year Training was a spiritual awakening that allowed my feelings to no longer be dominated by my thoughts. Each weekend, we received small pieces of the whole, culminating in being able to conduct a full ceremony by the end. Jenneke guided us with love for the craft and the medicine, seeming to have wisdom for every situation. I found it amazing and inspiring, comprehensive, well-structured, and with a new soul family."
Dennis Ulijn