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Floor Kruitz

Here you can find Floor Kruitz's background so you know who you’ll end up with when you’ve booked something with HOLY shit.! You can always find the name of the facilitator of the ceremony you booked in the event calendar.

Hi, my name is Floor Kruitz (1996) I am a plant ceremony leader, breath coach, Reiki practitioner, and designer. After years of battling depression, which started in elementary school and persisted through countless therapies, I thought it was normal for me to experience periods of deep lows. However, when I began to feel down again, I realized I wanted things to be different. During this time, the magical truffle crossed my path, and cliché as it may sound, this experience was incomparable to years of therapy. It was as if something clicked inside me, and I could finally experience self-love again. When I discovered that Jenneke was offering training to become a truffle ceremony leader, I knew for certain: this medicine is so healing, I want others to experience it too!

I graduated with a master's degree in interior architecture and also enjoy designing gardens. However, I felt there was still something missing in this field, so I delved further into Feng Shui. I find it beautiful to see how my various interests ultimately share the same goal: living a more conscious life in flow.

I live in Sittard with my boyfriend and cat.
The ceremony space is lovingly set up in our attic.
In my free time, I love being creative, dancing with friends at festivals, spending time in nature, or exploring the world.

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I find it important that... feel safe and comfortable to be your full, beautiful, and unique self. Everything is welcome; nothing surprises me easily.
Ceremonieruimte Floor Kruitz

